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Apply for Rhodes Global Scholarship for International Student

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Many international students feel like they have worn lottery whenever the award is been given to the international student.


Apply for Rhodes Global Scholarship for International Student

The students who are awarded the scholarship have always believed that the scholarship is the beginning of open doors.

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Scholarship Description 

The Rhodes Scholarship is offered to international students who intend to undertake postgraduate studies at the University of Oxford UK for the academic year 2021-2022.

Rhodes Scholarship provides the recipient with a living stipend (£15,144 per annum), all University and College fees, and the University application fee. A class of 100 Scholars is selected each year from over 60 countries around the world

Until now the scholarship has only been awarded to only 20 constituencies that the constituency which represents just 60 different countries.

But as of today, the scholarship has gone global, it is now for international students who are qualified to apply for the scholarship.

The scholarship is mainly for outstanding young leaders, who are

motivated to engage with the global challenges at the same time promote international understanding.

The Rhodes Scholarships are the oldest and one of the most celebrated international fellowship awards in the world.

It is an international postgraduate award for students to study at the University of Oxford.

Each year 32 students from the United States are selected as Rhodes Scholars, through a decentralized process representing the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories.

Rhodes Scholars are chosen not only for their outstanding scholarly achievements but for their character, commitment to others

And to the common good, and for their potential for leadership in whatever domains their careers may lead.  Rhodes also awards scholarships to non-US citizens

Scholars come into residence in Oxford in late September of the year following their selection.

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The scholarship deadline :

2 Aug 2021 (annual)
Study in: UK
The course starts Oct 2022

The host institution :

Oxford University in the UK

The number of the scholarship:

Targeted group:

An international student who is not from Rhodes constituencies.

Basic Eligibility

Please also see the information online regarding inter-jurisdictional consideration

it may be in your interest to pursue that route rather than to apply for a Global Scholarship, which will likely be the most competitive Scholarships offered by the Rhodes Trust.

  • Upon 1 October in the year in which you are applying, you must meet either of the below criteria:
  • You must be at least 18 and have not reached your 24th birthday (i.e. you must have been born after 01 October 1996 and on or before 1 October 2002).

OR (for older candidates who completed their first undergraduate degree later than usual)

  • You must have not reached your 27th birthday (i.e. have been born after 01 October 1993) AND you have met or will meet the requirements for completion of your first degree on or after 1 October of the prior calendar year (i.e. on or after 1 October 2019

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Scholarship selection criteria 

There will be a selection committee that will be responsible for the selection of those qualities which Cecil Rhodes expressly listed (below) in order to define the type of Scholar he desired.

Proven intellectual and academic achievement of a high standard is the first quality required of applicants

But applicants will also be required to show integrity of character, interest in and respect for their fellow beings, the ability to lead, and the energy to use their talents to the full.

GPA Level:

The Rhodes Trust has adopted a 3.7 minimum GPA requirement to be eligible to apply for a Rhodes Scholarship and the average GPA of recipients is 3.9.

The applicant should provide the specific and well-documented details about the committee that wants the applicant to prove that they have got the requirement that will get them into the graduate program they intend to pursue at Oxford.

Ability to use your talent :

the candidate must show the passion and the vigor to achieve his goal despite the setbacks that come with it.

The applicant must Day by day work towards what brings him or her to the institution, if he is a musician must go through a long-term commitment to fine-tuning their craft.

 Ability to work with team or tolerance :

Concern for others can be reflected in countless ways aside from direct hands-on charitable work.

Reference padding, with sudden and extensive charitable activity in one’s junior year, for example, is usually transparent to committees.

One can be a great contributor to mankind without having spent hundreds of hours (or even any) while in college doing volunteer work.

The instinct to lead:

The applicants must have the have zeal to lead, at the same time show his elected office in student government or another organization, which is one way to demonstrate leadership.

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Application instruction

  • the applicants will not be able to apply for the scholarship without prior nomination by your University.
  • the applicant must register the appropriate nominator via the application for after that you will be permitted to submit your form.
  • you can apply online from  1 June 2021 at the Application page via the scholarships tab

the applicant must submit his or her application form online with all the supporting documents by 23:59 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), 2 August 2021.

  • Applicants should bear in mind, however, that the Scholarship stipend is sufficient only for one person, and that the Trust takes no financial responsibility for the support of a Scholar’s spouse.

The scholarship value and the costs it covers 

A Rhodes Scholarship covers All University and College fees; the University application fee; a living stipend (£16,218 per annum 2020-21); one economy class airfare to Oxford at the start of the scholarship and one economy flight back to the student’s home country at the conclusion of the scholarship.

Courses covered by the scholarship 

Advanced Computer Science MSc
Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition MSc
Department of Education
Full time
1 year
Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching MSc
Department of Education
2 years
Applied Theology MTh
Faculty of Theology and Religion
To see all the courses covered by the scholarship click here

How to Apply for Rhodes Scholarship

follow the following step by step procedure to apply for Rhodes Scholarship:

all constituencies will require the following materials in differing forms

  • Curriculum vitae/resume or list of principal activities.
  • Evidence of academic record/transcript (complete or in progress) of an undergraduate degree and any postgraduate study
  • Personal statement or essay (including, crucially, a clear statement of what the applicant wishes to study at Oxford and why)
  • English Language proficiency (where English is not the first language). Check requirements here.
  • Evidence of age / birth certificate / passport
  • Photograph
  • Four reference letters from appraisers who can attest in confidential references to the character and intellect of the applicant, including academic, personal, extra-curricular, and leadership achievements.

It  is important you visit the school’s official website: 


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