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Health Insurance in UK

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Health Insurance in UK, Health insurance covers the cost of private health care from different kinds of treatment. some times you pay monthly subscriptions that cover all the cost of the treatment.

Health Insurance in the UK

One of the importance of health insurance is that it gives you quick access to medical treatment. Most of the insurance company offers comprehensive treatment and care to and care to all kinds of sickness.  checkout Pet insurance in the UK  

if you are in the UK  or you are planning o move to the UK  one of the advantages you have is that you will get proper treatment from the national health service.

Down mon this article you get all you need to know about health insurance in the UK. Some of the companies in the UK give you the free hand of customizing your plan.

How health care in the UK works

One thing about health in the UK is that it comes directly from the British government and there is a clear difference between how health care works in the UK and that of the US.

The one of UK is completely socialized.

The appointment and most of the treatments are free at the time of receiving the treatment, but don’t think is all free because you pay it through taxation on Income.

And most of the time people pay for medicine and some people still don’t pay for the medicine.

The national health service in the country is very popular and diverse in that it is the fundamental health service of the country, at the same time has the largest employer in the whole country.

 Why you should  Have private health insurance in the UK

most of the time, consider having private health insurance in the country for it will help a lot.  Since the NHS is the basic health institutional in the country.

It is gradually developing into an impressive health care system due to the honorable principles and procedures.

Instead of going through the rigorous process just to receive treatment. You can always avoid that by getting to yourself a private health insurance company to work with others to get treatment immediately you need it. Some of the reasons are the following.

    • having a regulars sickness for particular treatment the NHS  doesn’t cover very extensively Examples of such sickness are  dental care, eye care, physiotherapy, or very specialist medicine
    • The need to have a second opinion mon about the health issues or to run a second scan for you to have peace of mind.
    • No time-wasting or waiting for long to in other to get treatment
    • Have the opportunity to choose your doctors are who treat you. because one realizes that sickness goes faster when the mind has accepted the condition and who is involved in the treatment.
    • Secure your privacy including access to a private room in the hospital.  And many other reasons. you may also want to know about car insurance in the US

What health insurance doesn’t usually cover in the UK

one of the most important things worth notice is to understand those things that are not covered by the insurance policy. Some of the sicknesses are the following:

      • some chronic illnesses, e.g. HIV or diabetes
      • Injuries from dangerous sports or war
      • Pre-existing medical conditions
      • Cosmetic surgery (with no medical need)
      • Pregnancy/childbirth
      • organ transplants

this doesn’t mean you cannot find some of the policies that cover this but they are hard to come by at the same time very expensive.

How to get health insurance in the UK

more than a thousand and one people got their health insurance through the company that employed them sometimes the standard of employer provides a medical cover to the employee in the UK  but it is been criticize for not being extensive enough.

Now don’t depend on mon the medical insurance that the employer is going to provide for you, because in some cases it may not be available.

So in the case where it is not available you have to go to the insurance company directly and have insurance in the UK.

 What does health insurance covers

The cover That is gotten from private medical insurance is dependent on the type of policy that you buy.

Basic private medical insurance usually picks up the costs of most in-patient treatments (tests and surgery) and day-care surgery

Who doesn’t need private medical insurance cover?

You are likely not in need of private health insurance if: You are okay with the treatment s you get from NHS for your medical care.

already have medical insurance through your employer. Your  Child  becoming sick, children are always taken  as  the priority in  NHS  children  get immediate treatment at the arrival in  NHS

you only have spare cash for basic insurance, like car and home insurance (and life insurance if you have dependents)

you have debts to repay and no savings – you should put your money towards those, rather than private medical insurance

If you can pay for a person’s treatment.  paying regularly for insurance when you have enough money to pay for individual treatment.

Benefits of health insurance in the UK

  • You can always get the type of check-up that you want.  If the NHS delays a scan, or won’t let you have one, you can use your cover to pay for it.
  • always have a stand-by specialist to attend to you any time you think you have an option of a medical scan. You can ask your GP to refer you to an expert or specialist working privately to get a second opinion or specialist treatment.
  • No time-wasting,  You can use your insurance to reduce the time you spend waiting for NHS treatment, if your wait time is more than six weeks
  • the opportunity choose a surgeon and the hospital for your treatment. this opportunity is not possible in NHS,  for in there any doctor you can attend to your condition so far he is in that field.
  •  At the same time, you can get easier access to physiotherapy sessions if you have insurance than you would through NHS treatment.

Some of  the disadvantages

  • Sometimes you can get better care from the NHS, and also you have some serious sickness like cancer,  heart disease, or stroke, you’ll get priority NHS treatment. NHS hospitals can be as good as or better than some of the private, private hospitals.
  • Health insurance is most of the time expensive, so if you don’t have enough money then it is not for you.  in some private hospitals, You pay up to £700 to £1,800 per year. Premiums will rise every year, and with age  so by the time you’re older, and more likely to need hospital treatment, you might not be able to afford it
  • Chronic illnesses are not always cover by the policy, some sicknesses are incurable but can only be managed. like HIV, and some other illnesses that can be managed.
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