How To Use A Credit Card | How credit cards works
It is a thing of pleasure when your able to know how to use credit card, this will immensely in the society to transact and also certain bills that may require credit card purchase or activity.
However, this service today has come to stay, so as to facilitate both consumers and commercial businesses transactions in the society. For you to achieve this knowledge, that is of Knowing how to use a credit card, will however enables you have to a happy, comfort and easy life as a citizen of you country or any part of the world that might practice the use of credit card for transaction.
Moreover, a credit card has generally operates as a substitute for cash or a check and most often offers an unsecured revolving line of credit.
When you have the knowledge credit card this will in a longer way play along role in you life as a citizen. having this in mind that when you have the knowledge is a very good one and will at the same time enhance your comfort leaving in the society. However, before we go on with this explanation we have to highlight on what credit card is all about.
What Is Credit Card
The term credit card, is a payment card issued to users to enable the cardholder to pay merchant for goods service based on the cardholders accrued debt.
How To Use Credit Card
When you lag the knowledge on how credit card works you might not place value on been interested to use the service and also benefit on it as person. But if you have the knowledge, on how it works and how to use it, this will enable you to leave a comfortable, happy and advancing in the society.
Furthermore, credit card, before now known to be a very vital financial service, that enables a fast and assist every person that my need it easy financial transaction But at the same time, can be very dangerous; when you can not manage them responsibly but if you can use it as require, believe me that you are going to enjoy the usage of the card. You can enjoy a host of benefits and rewards and improve your credit score at the same time. The procedures on how you can use credit cards are as follow;
Only charge what you can afford
In case you can’t afford paying off your credit card ,your credit card score will take a hit. and if you can only pay your minimum payment. you’ll can up paying a lot of interest.The best way to use a credit card is to pay it off right away.
Stay Well Below Your Credit Card Limit
reaching out limit your credit cards is bad for your credit card score. So how much should you really spend? A good rule of thumb is to only spend 30% of your available credit. This means that if you have several credit cards with a collective limit of $10,000, you should make a point to never have more than $3,000 in charges at a single point in time.
Always pay in full
You are required that you should pay you full statement balance every month . The moment you begin to carry a balance , you’ll automatically begin accruing interest charges this will compound every day until you find a way to eliminate your debt completely.
- Time your purchases. Each Credit Card has its own billing cycle. …
- Pay your bill before the due date.
- Follow the rewards.
- Be smart about repayment.
- Use your card at trusted merchants.
- Be alert with your Credit Card usage.
How credit cards works
Credit card is link to credit account with a bank, when you use the bank for borrowing money from issuing bank
Moreover, you can use credit card to buy goods or services with any merchant that accepts credit cards. Or you can take out cash advance
Furthermore, each credit card has certain feature like a credit limit. which is the maximum amount you can own the bank at one time. You can use your credit card until you’ve borrowed up to your credit limit..
How beginners use credit cards
- Set a Budget.
- Keep Track of Your Purchases.
- Set Up Automatic Payments. …
- Use as Little of Your Credit Limit as Possible.
- Pay Your Bill in Full Each Month.
- Check Your Statement Regularly.
- Redeem Rewards.
- Use the Extra Perks
The importance of credit card
- Paying high rates of interest. If you carry a balance from month-to-month, you’ll pay interest charges.
- Credit damage.
- Credit card fraud.
- Cash advance fees and rates.
- Annual fees.
- Credit card surcharges.
- Other fees can quick
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Here below are frequent question people ask
What’s the purpose of credit cards?
Why is having a credit card important?
Credit card is important because in term of purchase of good and services it makes it easy for the users, When used responsibly, credit cards can be valuable tools for earning rewards, traveling, handling emergencies or unplanned expenses, and building credit. … Some rewards come in the form of cash back