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How To Use A Credit Card | Guides To Use Credit Card

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How to use credit card, is what many ask off and online today, how can they use it so as to make their financial transaction easy in the society. But when you have the information on how you can go about it, that will make life very easy for you as an individual.

However, having a credit is not just all, but do you know how to use the it

When you have a credit card as a person, you need to have a credit card so as to better your life , mostly for financial transaction.

Credit card is a financial service that allows one to borrow money for spending up to a pre-set limit. The credit card limit is set when you open your account, but you can apply to change it.

However, when you are able to secure credit card as an individual, it will a-long way play a very important and an advance role in your life. Credit card also help for easy purchase of goods and services.

How To Use A Credit Card

Using of credit card has to involve steps which will guide you genuinely on how you will use it, following the protocols, precautions this will avoid making mistakes. However, when you are able to secure the needed information, that will guide you; you can now have it successful and then make your transaction correctly, easily. So when this is achieved you’ll then see life batter.

Furthermore, for you to secure this information that is require for you to know how to use credit card you have to follow the steps below.

A Credit Card is one of the most convenient ways to pay. If you use it right, you can enjoy interest-free credit, many rewards and freedom from cash.

Our 7 tips will show you how to use your Credit Card for maximum benefit.

Time Your Purchases

For you to time your purchase, you have to consider it that the each credit card has it’s own billing cycle. Mind you that when once you are aware of the bill generation date of your credit card, you can maximize your interest free period.

Now lets consider it this way, it is possible of you enjoying up to 45 interest free days and can some time more.

However, this will happen when you make purchase just after your credit card billing is generated.

Pay Your Bill Before The Due Date

It is obvious that your credit profile with the bank improves, when once you use your credit card regularly and ensure you pay your bill on time.

However, when you are able to keep this role sure that it can lead to a range of an additional benefits, like having an increase in spending limit and great offers on personal loans and other financial products.

Although, this step can improve your credit score, and it will at same time be beneficial to you if your credit score is low.

Follow The Rewards

In this step of know how to use  a credit card, you are required to read your credit card booklet carefully mostly the details concerning the offers it gives and the reward program.

However, if you can ensure that mind you  that the credit card can open the door to a host of discounts on product and service besides privilege such as free lounge access and priority services at airports.

Earning Reward Points on your Credit Card spends can accrue several benefits in the long run, from free flight tickets to movie vouchers to mega discounts on electronics.

Be Smart About Repayment

For your pay back means, the bank will give you a convenient time which you will pay your credit card bill, for instance; EMIs, However, when you choose this option of paying your credit card bill you can pay for large purchase in monthly installments. such as a mini-loan.

This will assist ease your financial strain. You can also make your Credit Card payments through the Credit Card Net-banking.

Use Your Card At Trusted Merchants

In case you are shopping online or at a local store, ensure that the merchant or retailer is an establishment you trust. This will minimize risk of your card being misused.

Be Alert With Your Credit Card Usage

Be prudent about Credit Card use. Avoid maxing out on your credit limit every month.

Monitor your Credit Card transactions regularly to notice specific patterns in your spending. Keeping track of your spends will also ensure that unexpected transactions come to your notice and you can point them out to your bank immediately. You can even set your limits on Credit Card in order to avoid any over spending.

How To Use A Credit Card

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Frequent Questions People Ask On

Concerning the use of credit card many came up with several question, such as;


Can I use credit card in ATM?

Yes,  Cardholders can use a credit card at nearly any ATM and withdraw cash as they would when using a debit card, but instead of drawing from a bank account, the cash withdrawal shows up as a charge on a credit card. It’s a fairly simple transaction but one that comes with serious downsides and usually significant fees.

Does credit card have a pin?

Yes off-course a credit card PIN, or personal identification number, is typically a four-digit code However, this pin or personal verification number is a code you will use to verify that you’re the owner of the credit card. Like a signature, it’s used to verify your identity and helps protect you against fraud.

What is credit card swipe fee?

When you swipe your card on a POS machine, the merchant has to pay a small percentage (about 2%) as rental fees to the bank for using the POS machine. … merchant establishments levy fee as a percentage of transaction value as charges on customers who are making payments for purchase of goods and services through cards.

Is it safe to swipe credit card?

The risk of credit card theft doesn’t end when you swipe your card. Any business that stores your credit card number could experience a data breach during which a hacker attains access to your card information. These types of attacks have affected large and small sellers in many different industries 


Using credit card is very beneficial to those who use it in the society today.

However, using credit card is not just where it ends, many struggles on who the can use the card for transaction; that is for the purchase of good and services but at the same time they lag the knowledge on how they can use it, and benefit like others that have the experience on how to use it. but if you can follow the steps which we have give above i hope it will tremendously give you guides.

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