Undergraduate scholarship in US
Hundreds of opportunities for undergraduate scholarship in US are made open for international students from developing countries every year. This means that your quest to acquire an academic portfolio free or almost at no cost in the US is not impossible.
The US is one of the most popular study destinations for international students. However, study and living costs in USA is not always affordable.
Can international students get scholarship in the US?
Majority of the scholarship opportunities available in the US every year is open for international students.
Though it is important to note that all scholarships are not created equal. Some scholarships are in the form of tuition fee waivers only. Some only cover living expenses. While some offer a partial cash loan or grant. But there are those scholarship programs that cover both tuition fee and living expenses. And sometimes include travel costs, book allowance, insurance, etc. Fully funded scholarships provide most, if not all, of what you need to pursue your studies abroad.
However, not every international student can apply for just any scholarship.
To apply for a scholarship, you have to be eligible.
Some of those criteria are your nationality, GPA, career choice etc. There are those scholarships that target students from a particular region only but there are scholarships which are open to all international students. Some are targeted at specific career; health sector, engineering courses, education courses etc.
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List of undergraduate scholarship in USA for International Students
Here is a list of undergraduate scholarship in the US
1.United States Department of State (DOS) 2022 TechGirls Exchange Program
The U.S. Department of State applications for the 2022 TechGirls Exchange program are now open. The TechGirls program is a four-week (July 8- August 3, 2022) summer exchange. It is designed to empower and support young women (ages 15-17) to pursue higher education and careers in STEM fields through hands-on skills development.
Application Deadline: January 15, 2022
2. Ashinaga Scholarships for Orphans from sub-Saharan Africa
Ashinaga presents the “Ashinaga Africa Initiative”. It is aiming to provide higher education to 20 brilliant students from Sub-Saharan African countries each year. Some of which are among the poorest in the world, and encourage them to become leading professionals in their own countries.
Application Deadline: 25th February
Number of Awards: 20
Value of the Program: Full Scholarship
Duration of Scholarship: For the period of Undergraduate studies
3. African Scholarships for Undergraduate Students at Kansas State University
Kansas State University’s Philip and Jeune Kirmser International Student Scholarship are awarded to a non-resident undergraduate student properly enrolled in any curriculum at Kansas State University with financial need. First preference will be a student of African origin and be able to provide proof of citizenship from any country on the continent of Africa.
Application Deadline: 15th March
Number of Awardees: 1
Value of the Program: $750
4. University of Bridgeport Global Leader of Tomorrow Scholarships
University of Bridgeport seeks to support a select group of promising students throughout the period of their undergraduate studies in the form of a comprehensive scholarship.
Application Deadline: 1st April
Number of Awardees: Not specified
Value of the Program:
- the full cost of tuition and fees
- cost of room and board in an on-campus residency hall for the duration of four years of undergraduate studies for first-time freshman students
Duration of Scholarship: 4 years
5.US Government Global Exchange Program (Global UGRAD) for Emerging Leaders
The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD) provides a diverse group of emerging leaders with a scholarship for one semester of non-degree academic study at a U.S. college or university. The program is sponsored by the U.S Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. It aims to recruit participants from underrepresented, non-elite backgrounds.
Application Deadline: 31st December
Eligible African Countries: Algeria, Egypt, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Zimbabwe (more Africa countries may be included subsequently).
Number of Awardees: Global UGRAD will provide a select group of approximately 250 students
Value of the Program: The scholarship will cover international travel, tuition, room and board, accident/sickness insurance, a small monthly stipend, and funding for books.
Duration of Scholarship: One semester
6.MasterCard Foundation Scholarship Program at Arizona State University and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at Arizona State University and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology provides academically talented yet economically disadvantaged young people in Ghana and Africa with access to quality and relevant University education. The Scholars Program embodies an array of mentoring and cultural transition services to ensure the scholar’s academic success, community engagement and transition to employment opportunities which will further the goal of social and economic transformation of Africa.
Application Deadline: 17th November
Number of Awards: Not specified
Value of the Program: Fully funded
7.Duke University MasterCard Foundation Scholarships for African Students
The MasterCard Foundation Scholars at Duke University represent the intellect and energy of the youth of Sub-Saharan Africa. With a financial commitment of $13.5 million from The MasterCard Foundation, Duke will educate seven classes of five students — a total of 35 students.
Application Deadline: Ongoing
Number of Awards: 5 each year
Value of the Program: Full scholarship and mentorship program
Duration of Scholarship: Full period of study
8.Illinois Wesleyan University International Student Scholarships
Illinois Wesleyan University offers Merit-based and Presidential scholarships to outstanding international students wishing to undertake Bachelor studies at the University.
In addition, two full-tuition President’s International Student Scholarships are offered. These scholarships are awarded each year to two highly qualified international students in assessing their talents, interests and academic achievements. The President’s scholarship is renewable for up to four years of study at Illinois Wesleyan University.
Application Deadline: 1st April
Value of the Program:
- Merit scholarships: $10,000 to $25,000
- President scholarships: Full tuition
Duration of Scholarship: Renewable for 4 years
9.Blacks at Microsoft Scholarships for Study in USA
Blacks at Microsoft (BAM) is a company-sponsored employee network dedicated to supporting the continued growth and development of black employees at Microsoft Corporation. This year, BAM will award two US$5,000 scholarships to outstanding high-school seniors who are interested in pursuing careers in technology. The scholarships are renewable, so winners who continue to meet the criteria can receive an annual $5,000 award for up to four years.
Application Deadline: 1st March
Number of Awards: 2
Value of Award: US$5,000
Duration of Program: Up to 4 years.
10. American University Emerging Global Leader Scholarship (AU EGLS) for International Undergraduate Students
American University offers the AU Emerging Global Leader Scholarship (AU EGLS) annually to one exceptional International Undergraduate Student. The AU Emerging Global Leader Scholarship promotes educational access and opportunity while enhancing international diversity. Bringing together the best of AU — academic excellence, leadership development, and global engagement — the AU Emerging Global Leader achieves, inspires, and serves with vision. The AU EGL is dedicated to positive civic and social change, and to returning home to improve under-resourced, underserved communities in his/her home country.
Application Deadline: 15th December
Number of scholarship: One
Duration: It is renewable for a total of four years of undergraduate study, based on continued satisfactory academic performance.
Value of Award: The scholarship provides everything from full tuition, fees, room and board for one first-year (freshman) high-achieving international student
11. Lewis-Clark State College Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students
LCSC offers international out-of-state tuition scholarships to qualified international students! No need to apply! All students are considered automatically for this scholarship.
Application Deadlines:
- 15th April for Fall (August)
- 1st December for Spring (January)
Number of Awards: Unlimited
Value of Program: $1750 the first semester. Up to $2500 per semester after first based on GPA.
- 2.5 GPA = $1,750 per semester or $3,500 per year
- 3.0 GPA = $2,125 per semester or $4,250 per year
- 3.5 GPA = $2,500 per semester or $5,000 per year
12. Zawadi Africa Education Fund Undergraduate Scholarship for Women
Zawadi Africa Education Fund is a leadership development program that provides university scholarships and leadership development and life skills training to academically gifted but financially disadvantaged African girls, with the objective of developing a pipeline of young African women leaders. The program provide undergraduate scholarships to pursue higher education in the US and other parts of Africa.
Application Deadline: 6th April
Eligible African Countries: Kenya, Uganda, Ghana and Mozambique
13. Clark University Presidential LEEP Scholarships for Undergraduate International Students
Clark University’s Presidential LEEP Scholars Program is part of the University’s pioneering model of education, Liberal Education and Effective Practice (LEEP), which combines a robust liberal arts experience with authentic engagement in the world and workplace for undergraduate students. The University offers undergraduate scholarship to international students through the prestigious programme, the Liberal Education and Effective Practice (LEEP).
Application Deadline: 1st February
Number of Awardees: 5
Value of the Program: Free tuition, room and board for four years. the annual scholarship renewal would be contingent on candidate’s maintaining a strong academic record at Clark for each of their four years as an undergraduate.
Duration of Scholarship: 4 years
14. University of California, Berkeley IIS Undergraduate Merit Scholarships
The Institute of International Studies (IIS) Undergraduate Merit Scholarship supports undergraduate research in any area of international studies.
Research may be conducted independently, in congruence with an honors thesis, or while studying abroad.
After completing their research projects, Junior Scholars are required to submit a four-page research summary and attend the IIS Junior Scholars Conference.
Application Deadline: 13th November
Value of the Program: Merit scholarships will be up to $2000 each with the chance to win an additional $1000 for Best Research Summary.
15. Clark University Global Scholars Program for International Students
The Global Scholars Program builds on Clark University’s long-standing commitment to provide a challenging education with a global focus. The Global Scholars Program (GSP) is a special program for incoming international students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in their home communities before attending Clark.
Application Deadline: 1st February
Number of Awardees: Several
Value of the Program: Successful candidates will receive:
- a scholarship of $15,000 to $25,000 per year (for four years, contingent upon meeting academic standards for renewal).
- a guaranteed $2,500 taxable stipend for a paid internship or research assistantship taken for academic credit during the summer following your sophomore or junior year.
- Participate in the Global Scholars Mentor Program, including a semi-annual dinner hosted by the president of Clark University.
Duration of Scholarship: 4 years